Belief 信仰

1.  The Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error. It is the supreme and final authority for all matters of Christian life and belief.


2.  There is one true and living God, who eternally exists in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who are equal in every divine perfection and who execute distinct but harmonious offices in all the work of the Godhead.


3.   Man was created by God in His own image, but through his sin incurred physical and spiritual death. As a result, all people are separated from God by their sin and are lost and without hope apart from salvation in Christ.


4.  The Gospel is the good news of God’s saving actions towards sinners through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God, took on human nature, lived a sinless life, and died a substitutionary death for sinners.

福音是上帝通過耶穌基督挽救罪人的好消息。 耶穌基督,上帝永恆的兒子,有人主要的特性,畢生從未犯罪,並且代替罪人獻上自己為贖罪祭

5.  Salvation is a free gift that comes only by God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. Anyone who turns from their sin and trusts in Jesus Christ and His death on their behalf receives forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.

救恩是神給不配的罪人白白的禮物;藉由相信耶穌基督纔能得到.  凡是認罪悔改, 並且相信耶穌基督和相信他為罪人而死的人, 都可以得到罪的赦免和永生的禮物.

6.  The Holy Spirit works progressively to transform genuine believers more and more into the image of Christ. His work is carried on in our hearts through such appointed means as the study of Scripture, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. The Holy Spirit also empowers believers for Christian witness and service and gives gifts for the building up of the body of Christ, the church.

聖靈不斷地更新真信徒, 使他們改變成為更有基督的形像.  聖靈是在信徒的心裡作這工作, 乃是藉著讀聖經, 禱告, 敬拜和信徒彼此交通, 來完成這工作.  聖靈也賜下能力給信徒, 能作見證和事奉, 並且賜下屬靈的恩賜, 來建立基督的身體, 也就是教會.

7.  The universal church, composed of genuine followers of Christ, exists to worship, serve, and glorify God.  All members of the universal church are to be vitally committed members of a local church, where they receive pastoral care and the opportunity to employ their God-given gifts in His service.

普世教會是由跟從基督的真信徒所組成的,  為的是要敬拜, 事奉和榮耀神.  所有普世教會的成員, 必須充滿活力地委身於一個地方教會. 使他們可以在教會裡得到牧者的餵養, 並且有機會在神的事功上, 使用神所賜的恩賜.

8.  Jesus Christ will return to the earth, personally and visibly, to establish His kingdom in the new heavens and the new earth.

耶穌基督將來會親身顯現, 回到地上, 要在新天新地裡建立神的國度.

9.  We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost—the saved to endless joy, living and reigning with Christ, and the lost to endless punishment away from the benevolent presence of God.

我們相信得救的人和未得救的人都會身體復活.  得救的人復活後得到永遠喜樂的生命, 並且與基督一同統治.   未得救的人復活後得到永遠的處罰, 並且與神的慈愛隔絕.